CryptoTanks Alpha 2.0
The new and improved Alpha version is here with even more Rewards! It will keep you company until the NFT launch which will bring the next phase of CryptoTanks. Let’s play CryptoTankers!
This time it will run for 4 weeks.
(Start Time: May 1, 2022, 19.00 p.m. UTC / End Time: May 28, 2022, 19.00 p.m. UTC)
And check the guide on how to sign up if you haven’t already below:
Total prizes:
6.000 BUSD & 60.000 $TANK Tokens
20 Guaranteed Whitelist Spots on NFT Mint
We will again have the three categories of rewards for you to claim!
Race for Treasure:
The top 10 players on the Race for Treasure Ranked Leaderboard at the end of week 4, will win 10 Guaranteed Whitelist Spots and 100 BUSD + 1000 $TANKS Token
Leaderboard of Destroyed Tanks (Fast Match & Race for Treasure)
The Top 3 Leaders each week get 👇
50 BUSD and 800 $TANK Tokens + Guaranteed Whitelist Spots
Positions 4 to 10: 30 BUSD and 700 $TANK Tokens
Positions 11 to 30: 10 BUSD and 200 $TANK Tokens
Positions 1 to 3: 15 BUSD
Positions 4 to 6: 10 BUSD
Positions 7 to 10: 5 BUSD
Bug Bounty Rewards:
Game Mild Bug: 10 BUSD. (visual bug)
Game Medium Bug: 20 BUSD. (a bug that affects gameplay)
Game Severe Bug: 30 BUSD. (game-breaking bug that doesn’t allow you to continue playing)
Security Bug: 150 BUSD + One Guaranteed Whitelist Spots.
Upon entering the Alpha, you are able to request from our moderators in discord the “Alpha tester” role. That role will give you, besides the right to flex as an OG later on, access to a discord channel where you have to post images/videos of the reported bug in order to claim a bug bounty. (Although optional, we suggest you share your Discord name to make the process of getting you in the bug report channel easier).
Discord Link:
IMPORTANT: We will implement three basic rules. Violations will result in a warning and then banning and exclusion from any leaderboards and rewards.
-No Cheating (Enhanced gameplay by any means!).
-No Teaming (Coordinating with other players, solo gameplay allowed only!)
-No Griefing (Purposely throwing your game, to damage someone else’s, refers mainly to quitting games!).
Don’t forget you can follow your progress on our leaderboards either in-game or on our website:
Current leaderboards will, of course, reset.